Photographic Solutions, A Photosol Inc. Company, has been serving the photographic community since 1983. We created and introduced the entire category of sensor cleaning. Nobody does it better.
Aeroclipse® Optic Cleaning Fluid, CineSwab® Video Imaging Sensor Cleaner, Digital Survival Kit®, Eclipse® Optic Cleaning Fluid, E-Wipe® Professional Cleaning System for Critical Optics, Orbit® HEPA Blower, PEC-12® Photographic Emulsion Cleaner, Pec*Pad® Non-abrasive Wipes & Sensor Swab® ULTRA Digital Imaging Sensor Cleaner are registered trademarks of Photosol, Inc.
Safely clean your digital sensor with our “Guaranteed Safe” products from Photographic Solutions.
We offer a wide array of cleaning solutions that are used to clean DSLR, mirrorless and cinema / video sensors. Many companies offer similar products, but no other company offers the same guarantee – our products are safe for the use intended when used in accordance with the instructions provided by the camera manufacturer or Photographic Solutions / Photosol, Inc.