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I bought a set of sunshade for my Volvo P1800 in 2022.
Back then, that’s the only set that I could find. I have even bought a new metal mount and thought of DIY a new sunshade myself, but the project on hold after I got the black sunshade above.

Later only I discovered that the black sunshade that I bought wasn’t really designed for my Volvo P1800. The ear of the sunshade extended out and bend when storing. Wrong model, but usable. I guess that is for the Volvo 122S / Amazon, instead of P1800 series.
Not a desperate replacement of the black sunshade, since it can do the job by shading the sun when needed. Yes, it is important to have, as in some cases during morning or evening drive, the sun shines directly into your eyes, which is dangerous. Previous owner removed it for a cleaner look, but not practical.
Opportunity arise last month and I saw a pair of white sunshade for P1800 at US$49.99 each. A pair costs US$99.98 + shipping. Total I paid US$124.35 inclusive of shipping. That’s around RM620. Not cheap for a pair of sunshades, but a brand new remake sunshade from VP would have cost more than double the price.

I did some clean up by using leather cleaner, and they are look good with some aging sponge inside. No tear, and still in good shape.
Installation was easy, since I have done it with the black sunshade before.

Never ending fun of classic car.
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