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Topping up Brake and Clutch fluid to my Volvo P1800

Views: 46

I noticed that my brake and clutch are not that responsive recently. Have to press the brake pedal till full to get to a better stop. So I checked the brake reservoir and noticed that the fluid has dropped near the bottom of the reservoir. I checked also the clutch reservoir, seems to be quite OK.

I have dot 4+ fluid in my cabinet, but since the Volvo is using dot 4 instead of dot 4+, I decided to just go and get the dot 4 the next day. Can’t remember why I bought the dot 4+ and for what car previously.

Bought a Bendix dot 4 brake fluid from a nearby spare part shop. RM12 only. Top up the reservoirs of both brake and clutch, still left quite a few in the bottle. Save for the future.