Views: 203
My mechanic said the oil pressure gauge in my Volvo P1800 is faulty. The needle is stuck at the middle. The oil pipe is connected properly to the engine, so most likely the fault lies within the gauge itself.
Saw some on ebay from time to time, but didn’t get one previously as I am not sure if mine is faulty or not. Since the mechanic has confirmed the problem, so I bid for one at ebay few days ago and I am glad to see that I have won the auction last night. I won the bid at US$39 but have to pay tax and shipping.
Volvo 1800 P1800 1800S P1800S Smiths Oil Pressure Gauge
1 item
Order total
Including shipping and tax to Texas USA is US$48.05, which translate to around RM206. The seller described the item as “Removed from a Volvo 1800S. Good used working condition. Please review picture(s) for overall quality.”.
Hopefully the gauge is in good working condition as per the seller and can’t wait to install it to my Volvo!

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