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Cello Performance Day by Lydia, Harmonic Music School

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A dream comes true by my wife, Lydia. She has always wanted to learn Cello, and after practicing for 2 years, she is ready to join the Orchestra performance concert held by their music school.

So proud of her! She really put in a lot of effort in learning and practicing.

From her:

谢谢我老公无限量支持跟供应。谢谢我那仙气飘飘的彭老师,耐心教导。谢谢我的好朋友爱菁从我说我要达成我的梦想开始,第一个说一定来捧我的场。今天一大早就挤关卡来观赏我们的演奏会。当然也要谢谢harmonic music center , 以及团友们。谢谢Ms Ho, 玮婷和妈妈,恒耀今晚来。对你们来说可能只是一个小小的音乐会,但是对我来说却是意义非凡的一个晚上。谢谢你们成就和见证了今晚,我实现了我的梦想。。。