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A dream comes true by my wife, Lydia. She has always wanted to learn Cello, and after practicing for 2 years, she is ready to join the Orchestra performance concert held by their music school.
So proud of her! She really put in a lot of effort in learning and practicing.
From her:
谢谢我è€å…¬æ— é™é‡æ”¯æŒè·Ÿä¾›åº”。谢谢我那仙气飘飘的å½è€å¸ˆï¼Œè€å¿ƒæ•™å¯¼ã€‚谢谢我的好朋å‹çˆ±è从我说我è¦è¾¾æˆæˆ‘的梦想开始,第一个说一定æ¥æ§æˆ‘的场。今天一大早就挤关å¡æ¥è§‚èµæˆ‘们的演å¥ä¼šã€‚当然也è¦è°¢è°¢harmonic music center , 以åŠå›¢å‹ä»¬ã€‚谢谢Ms Ho, 玮婷和妈妈,æ’耀今晚æ¥ã€‚å¯¹ä½ ä»¬æ¥è¯´å¯èƒ½åªæ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªå°å°çš„音ä¹ä¼šï¼Œä½†æ˜¯å¯¹æˆ‘æ¥è¯´å´æ˜¯æ„义éžå‡¡çš„ä¸€ä¸ªæ™šä¸Šã€‚è°¢è°¢ä½ ä»¬æˆå°±å’Œè§è¯äº†ä»Šæ™šï¼Œæˆ‘实现了我的梦想。。。
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