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Painting our study room, Day 1

Views: 24

Today we decided to paint our study room.

The furniture colour in our study room are mainly brown colour, so I thought a brown, milky or yellow wall colour would be nice.

However, Megumi prefer pink, while Emmanuel prefer GREEN!

I have promised Megumi to paint the room, and she has been super excited about it. I did felt a bit lazy in doing it, since all the furniture are already in. However, breaking a promise is bad…so I decided to go ahead and paint the room over the weekends.

My wife reminded me of the leftover paint that we have from our office renovation. I went and checked and we have multiple colours. We have yellow, we have green, we have blue and we have light pink.

I brought back yellow, blue and light pink. The green that we have painted is our office is too shinny…so I decided against it. Emmanuel is fine with blue.

We started with yellow.

Yeah, they have been pretty helpful.

Megumi said is fine for her to wear this Artist City t-shirt to paint, as it is fine if it gets dirty since artist is OK to get paint on the t-shirt.

Two excited painters.

The drawing that Megumi did when stirring up her light pink paint.

Emmanuel is working on his blue wall while I am still trying to touch up the yellow wall.

After few hours of hardwork…this is the final result. They are arguing on what color to paint the wall with the window, so I end up dividing the wall into half pink, half blue.

The wall on the right hand side of the air conditioner is still the old paint that is a very light purple. I might paint it into yellow or light pink tomorrow.

It is satisfying to get the room done, but more satisfying to be able to work together with the kids as a family. What better way to be spent time together painting the study room ourselves?!