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Photomalaysia.com New Homepage

Views: 422

My dear website, which was started much earlier than shashinki.com, born in year 2001, has gone through its peak time and low time, now has a new homepage that I redesigned last night to become the photography news portal for photo related news in Malaysia.

With the popularity of Facebook, forums have become less popular to many. Photos are being shared more directly to Facebook than forums. Photomalaysia is struggling to find its new direction, not to compete with Facebook but a site that is still able to serve photographers in Malaysia.

We don’t need another new gear portal as dpreview.com has perfected that.

However, we still need a site that can share and post local photography news. Nikon, Canon, Sony, Olympus, Fujifilm, Pentax, Sigma, Tamron, Leica…etc. all have their respective distributors in Malaysia, organizing events, giving out promotions, rebates, etc., each of them have their own Facebook page, reaching out to their own fans or followers. However, not all of us want to subscribe to every one of these distributors fabeook page. It will be too much for us to read daily. 

So, here comes the role of Photomalaysia. A local photography news portal. Compiling mainly local photography news for photographers in Malaysia. 
