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Sunday Service at SCMC

Views: 93

Just some sharing of the Sunday service at our church, Skudai Chinese Methodist Church.

Rev Wan and choirs matching into the church. I like the new attire of our choirs!

Our church just got the new chairs. Sponsored by one of the christian family from Kuantan. May God bless them for their generosity. Those chairs are really nice, and cost a lot! (nearly 100 pcs of these solid wood chairs!)

Sunday worship team and a wide view of our church hall. There are many more members (came late).

Today is the first Sunday of the month, so our church has the holy communion.

Holy communion, served by chairman and pastor Rev Wan.

Brothers and sisters coming forward to receive the wine and bread, representing the blood and body of Jesus Christ, who sacrificed himself for us.

Man in black, our pastor, Rev Wan.

Last shot from me on the Sunday service.

Praise the Lord for the place! Praise the Lord for the brothers and sisters! Praise the Lord for the grace and love!