Views: 98
Finally…after so many rumors…after so many months of waiting…people said before Olympic Beijing…nevermind…now it is true…from Nikon the news…let’s welcome the D3X!
There is no price for Malaysia market yet…but in Japan, price has already been announced and it is a hefty JPY900k street price! With perhaps a 10% discount or point rebate, you still have to pay JPY810k for it, which I believe is the MOST expensive DSLR among Nikon, Canon and Sony. Ok…for Malaysia buyers, no price yet from Nikon Malaysia or Nikon Singapore, but based on D3 price, I am guessing that the D3X would be priced at around RM25k-27k. Which is around the price range of Canon 1Ds Mark III.
I believe the sensor used in Nikon D3X is same as the one used in Sony D700, which is priced at only RM12k+, yeah…so much cheaper than the other full frame DSLR. Sony D700 suddenly sounds so cheap and affordable…and attractive!
Not much changes or new features in D3X that I can notice…no…I don’t remember any…should be using the exact same feature and body as D3, except with a bigger sensor… 😛
Am I going to buy one? No…for sure…no…I have a bigger and more interesting commitment in front…a house…yeah…a home. 🙂
25k… wtf… I’ll stick back to Nikon D40 that cost only 2k.