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ShaShinKi Focus Test Chart – FREE!

Views: 872

A dedicated focus test chartShaShinKi Focus Test Chart – uses to check the focus accuracy of your lens and camera.


I will be distributing the focus test chart to visitors that come to ShaShinKi booth at KLPF 2008 (Booth B05). Those who order items online at ShaShinKi.com will get the test chart FREE OF CHARGE as well, while stock last only. 🙂

For a good / correct focus lens and camera, this is what you will get:


The ShaShinKi Line will be in focus and sharp. 🙂

To use the focus chart, it is simple. Just place the ShaShinKi Focus Test Chart on a flat table, get your camera and lens and point to the ShaShinKi Line at the middle of the chart at around 45 degrees, make the sure ShaShinKi Line is in the middle of your viewfinder, take a shot.

Notes / Common Mistakes:

  1. Do not shoot at shutter speed below 1/60s (depending on the lens you are using). This is to avoid hand shake/blur.
  2. Use a tripod if your hand is not steady enough.
  3. Use a flash if you do not have access to a tripod.

Happy Focus Testing! 😉