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Canon PowerShot G9 Discontinued? G10 on the way?

Views: 89

I just found out today that Canon has discontinued / stopped production of Canon WP-DC21 underwater casing for Canon G9, which means that Canon G9 should has stopped production or discontinued?

G9 was announced on 20th August 2007, about a year old model…which is actually still quite new I would say. However, for digital camera…their life is usually quite short. In comparison, Canon G7 was announced on 14th September 2006, 11 months later G9 was announced. So it is about time for a new replacement model for G9 now. 🙂

What can we expect for the G9 replacement model? Here’s my speculations:

  • High Resolution LCD (3.0″)
  • Dual Digic IIII  Engine
  • ISO 3200 + ISO 6400
  • 14MP Sensor
  • 24mm (135 format equivalent) wide angle lens

Should be seeing the news in the coming Photokina 2008 (September). 🙂