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World’s First! Fujifilm F100FD Review (a short one… :P)

Views: 297

Fujifilm F100FD just released on yesterday in Japan and I have the privilege to be the among the first to get my hands on one!

The box…


Front view…


Rear view…


Ok…I knew the above are meaningless…I will update with some actual photo tests at various ISO later…getting tired already today… πŸ˜›

For your information, the available ISO setting from Fujifilm F100FD are:

  • ISO400
  • ISO800
  • ISO1600
  • ISO3200

Wait for my update “tomorrow”… πŸ˜‰

Sorry for the late in updating, here’s the continuation of the review:

ISO Test

I tested on my baby’s toy, quite dim in my room during the test, shutter speed is very low so pardon me for the blury photos.

All shots below are 100% crop near center and shadow area of the following photo (EXIF instacts):


ISO400 (below)


ISO800 (below)


ISO1600 (below)


ISO3200 (below)


F100FD starts with ISO400, you can’t go below it. ISO400 produces very clean photo, which is definitely much better than many other P&S digital camera out there. ISO800 is still very clean, actually even better than my Nikon D200 at ISO800!

ISO1600 is still usable but ISO3200 for me is too bad…must avoid.

Sorry, I am not sure if Noise Reduction is ON or OFF, I took the shot as default setting in the camera, as if I am a noob not knowing how/what to change in the camera. Bought one, take photo straight away.

Distortion Test

I use a simple method to test the distortion, metal slide curtains.

At wide angle (I added some lines for you to see how much distortion in comparison)


At telephoto (little to no distortion)



Macro setting in F100FD is quite limited. See shots below:

Without Macro Setting, below is the closest I can go to get focus:


With Macro Setting, I can go closer to the subject but still not much:


Face Detection

Yes, this is probably one of the biggest selling point of Fujifilm F100FD! Improved Face Detection technology that your model do not need to face you directly and the camera can still detect the face! Side view of your subject will still trigger the camera face detection. You will be able to see a movable green rectangular on the LCD screen, if your mode moves, the green box will move with the face as well. Very neat and handy design for sure!

Flash Exposure

Shot below is with flash ON. I think F100FD does a great job in giving the right flash without overexposing the subject. However, like all built in flash camera, shadow is harsh.



ISO performance of Fujifilm F100FD is impressive. Price is attractive at around US$350~400, face detection technology is great, idiot proof and will not get background sharp models blurred photos anymore!

Exposure and flash exposure deliver by the camera is spotted on!

Macro photography is limiting though, as you can’t go very near to your subject.

Some people asked about the comparison to Fujifilm F31FD or other cameras, sorry I do not have access to the cameras at the time of the test so I can’t do comparison.

HIGH RECOMMENDED for those who want a pocket size P&S that has very useble ISO upto 1600!

Update (31st March 2008):

Here’s photos of the Black version of Fujifilm F100FD. It feels very elegant in hand! Definitely no cheap P&S feel!



For those who are interested you can order it at:
