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After upgrading to wordpress 2.30 few hours ago…my WYSIWYG or TinyMCE is GONE! I can only type text and my photo/send to editor won’t work!
I thought the upgrade is easy (it is) and problem free (not so free for me…wasting more than a few hours already trying to figure out what went wrong… 🙁 ).
Might need to install to whole wordpress again…crazy… 🙁
Finally able to solve the problem.
1. Disabled all plugins.
2. Go to Write Post page.
3. Refresh your page a few times (press F5 for a few seconds).
4. You should see TinyMCE back.
5. Go back to enable your plug in one by one. I am using Askimet, no problem activate it back.
Thanks! Now can go to sleep! 🙂