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TMnet offering 4MB/s package! First and Only in Malaysia!

Views: 73

I read about the news of TMnet now offering 4MB/s Streamyx package with an “introductory” price of RM198/month.

This is definitely a good news for Malaysians, with internet speed become faster and faster.

This is good for me as well, as if people are able to get online faster, speedier and easier, it will make shopping online at ShaShinKi.com a more pleasant experience!

However…now the not so good feedback…

I posted this news at PhotoMalaysia, and many members are complaining about the service of Streamyx. Their current 512KB and 1MB plans are crappy, not delivering the speed as stated. My sister in law in Perak is often having Streamyx down (1~3 times a month), and repair work normally take a few days. Refund? Yeah…if you do bother to write them a letter, wait for a few months…then they might compensate you for a few days discount of what you are paying monthly. I bet most will not bother to do that…and Streamyx is not loosing money by NOT DELIVERING their service.

So, people do not trust the 4MB/s package now…Streamyx should improve their current service (512KB/s and 1MB/s), instead of offering higher package to new customers. Or is Streamyx purposely reducing the speed of the current 512KB/s and 1MB/s performance to give way to the 4MB/s customers? Can their current infrastructure support and deliver 4MB/s speed?

I do hope internet service in Malaysia can improve significantly…hopefully more players can join in the ISP market (celcom, maxis…etc.).